§234. Wiener Linien ESP32-S3 Public Transport Departure Monitor
Brief description: The ESP32-S3 Public Transport Departure Monitor project is a small device based on the ESP32-S3 platform. It allows you to track public transport departures in real-time and receive a countdown to the next departures. The project is based on the use of open data from the City of Vienna provided by Wiener Linien. (Data source: City of Vienna - https://data.wien.gv.at ) Project components: 1x LILYGO T-Display-S3 ESP32-S3 1.9-inch board. 1x USB cable with a magnetic connector. 1x M2.5 nut 1x M2.5x18 bolt. Glue. Details are printed on a 3D printer. Sketch for Arduino IDE. Installation Clone or download this repository. Open the Arduino IDE and install the required libraries (TFT_eSPI, ArduinoJson, HttpClient, WiFi). Connect your ESP32 device to your computer. Change the SSID and password variables in the code to match your Wi-Fi credentials. Important: Update the URL variable in the code to select your specific RBL (reference bus stop). You can find you...